B&H Stainelec-308L

An All Position Radiographic Quality 19/9 Stainless Steel Electrode.


Type Stainless Steel Electrodes
Size (mm) 2.50, 3.15, 4.00 & 5.00
Application Fabrication & Maintenance


Brand Name Codification
B&H-Stainelec-308L AWS A/SFA 5.4 E308L-16

IS E 19.9 R16



An All Position Radiographic Quality 19/9 Stainless Steel Electrode.


Stainelec-308L is an all position radiographic quality 19/9 stainless steel electrode with controlled ferrite content for maximum resistance to cracking, corrosion and high temperature upto 800oC. Excellent arc stability, low spatter, easily controlled and detachable stag are its features.


Stainelec-308L is an all position radiographic quality 19/9 stainless steel electrode with controlled ferrite content for maximum resistance to cracking, corrosion and high temperature upto 800oC. Excellent arc stability, low spatter, easily controlled and detachable stag are its features.

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